How far along: 25 weeks
Best moment this week:
This week marks the start of the third trimester! Wooot wooot! It's amazing how fast it seems that time has been going this pregnancy while I've been so occupied chasing around a near two year old! It's hard to believe we are already in the home stretch! I start my regular two-week OB appointments (until this point I've only had four-week checkups) after my next checkup in a couple of weeks, and then it will really start to sink in I'm sure! Nesting mode may have already begun as I finally decided to go ahead and order a new headboard and some accessories to finish out our master bedroom design this week. Since we only have two bedrooms on our main floor, and C isn't ready to sleep alone downstairs full time yet (or prepared to share his current bedroom with a squawking infant...not to mention space is already tight and fitting a twin sized or additional toddler bed in his current bedroom just isn't going to be an option), I'll probably wait until next winter sometime to update the nursery with a new design for the new babe.
Maternity clothes:
Yes, this week may as well be coined 'comfy clothes week'. I've been living in my favorite maternity leggings paired with loose sweaters and cardigans almost every day.
About the same. Still waking up earlier than normal. And while I'd probably benefit from going to bed even earlier (current bedtime is around 11-11:30pm), T is never ready for bed that early, and I dislike going to bed separately. I did cave this week one night when we were watching 'The Hateful Eight', and skipped the end of the movie (it's not very good - don't pay attention to the IMDB ratings) to go to bed early.
Miss Anything:
Energy! We've been juggling time zones the past few weeks, and I can barely keep up. I think I'm just a midwest girl with an internal East coast time clock after being in the Eastern time zone so much recently. Of course, C's nap schedule has been all over the day he takes two naps, the next day no naps, so getting into a normal routine has been out the window, and probably contributed to my exhaustion.
Baby Movement:
Yes. Still mostly noticeable during the early morning or evenings. When I do get a chance to get some exercise, this baby likes to lay or stomp directly on my bladder, so that's been fun. #JK I don't remember having to use the restroom so often in my entire life!
Sweet tooth as usual. Not a great thing when we've been cooped up inside all week due to cold blustery days and C's cold.
So tired! Between our recent traveling, my overall poor sleep, and trying to keep up with C, I've been completely exhausted. Maybe it's the lack of fresh air and exercise due to the weather, or maybe it's a sign that C's cold is catching up with me...either way, I'm hoping next week is better!
Looking forward to:
We are headed back to Florida next week so T can attend another medical conference (He's trying to get in his yearly credit requirements before baby arrives and we are unable to travel for a while). Since the weather has been so ridiculous at home lately, we all can't wait to be back in a state where there seems to be eternal sunshine and nice weather. Can't wait for some exercise...beach walks here we come!!...and fresh air.
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