27 Weeks

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Week 27

How far along:
27 weeks - Third Trimester! Also, does anyone actually know what size a yellow turnip is? I mean, when I've cooked with turnips, they generally range quite a bit in size. These turnips must be prize winners as baby is now 3-4x as long as during week 12! According to the weekly pregnancy updates we have been reading from T's pregnancy book of choice (Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy - Highly recommend if you are in the market!), baby has an 85% chance of survival if they were to be born this week, and can start to recognize voices. Neat!

Best moments so far:
C was laying his head on my stomach earlier this week after his rest, and the baby kicked him. He popped right up and looked at me with eyes full of wonder and wanted to know what in the world that was!?! I explained to him that it was the baby in mommy's tummy and that it will be his new brother or sister. He was convinced that the baby wanted to play, but after much conversation, has now resigned himself to waiting until around Easter. In the meantime, to help the baby grow, he decided he better go make it some cookies in his new kitchen that Santa brought! GREAT IDEA C!

In other news, I passed my glucose test! Woot woot! No sitting for three hours in the hospital lab during the height of flu season for me! Baby is looking good and had a heart rate of 140 bpm at this appointment which is slower by 10 bpm than it has been at all of my previous appointments. I have one month until my next appointment, then will go to bi-weekly checkups. Eeeek!

Maternity clothes:
Most. Ironically, nothing in today's picture! I think I woke up and all I wanted was cozy, so a nice pair of knit leggings and oversized sweater did the job today. (Not the cutest from the side view, but cozy nonetheless!) Dressing the bump during the winter is certainly easier than some of the other seasons in terms of being able to wear what is already in my closet!

Ehhh...Ok...We've been leaving G's door open at night so that his room gets some more heat circulation, but because of this, if C wakes up and needs help using the potty (usually a LOUD ordeal as he continues to fight this during the night or early morning), or the sun comes up and brightens the sky before G typically would get up, he has been getting up a bit earlier than usual - nothing too drastic, but maybe 30 minutes earlier or so. To combat this, I've been trying to get up to shut his door when we get closer to the A.M. hours (I'm usually up at some point anyways to use the restroom)

Miss Anything:
Energy! I am soooooo tired all the time it seems. Do I look as tired in today's picture as I feel? I'm still crashing on the couch pretty early on (for T & I) - usually around 10pm, but have made an effort to try to be heading into bed by 11pm. 

Baby Movement:
Yes. I'm thinking this little babe must being a budding acrobat, because one minute I'm getting kicked in the bladder, and the next minute it's my ribs. G was also very active when I was pregnant with him, and continues to be far more active than his older brother at the same age, so if that is any indication, I'm going to be doing nothing but chasing for the next several years!

Cravings and Aversions:
A bit of a citrus craving this week. The boys have been gobbling up the bag of mandarin oranges I brought home from the store, and I will vouch for their deliciousness. Also enjoyed a couple glasses of orange juice in addition to my typical morning coffee this week.

Queasy or sick:

Still feeling pretty tired, but learned after my appointment last week that my hemoglobin counts are a little low, making me anemic. This is a relatively common occurrence during pregnancy - especially when kiddos are born close-ish together or you have multiple kiddos. Did you know it takes up to TWO YEARS to replenish lost nutrients from pregnancy in a mother's body? To hopefully get me back on track, my doc recommended adding a twice daily iron supplement (in addition to the prenatal vitamin I already take that has 156% daily value of iron), to help boost red blood cell growth. Hopefully, this will help with my fatigue.

Looking forward to:
Hopefully getting a bit of my energy back once I've been supplementing with extra iron for a while. Unlikely, as we are heading into the third trimester (eek!), but a girl can hope right?! I also convinced T to take some time off to sneak away for a little getaway at the end of the month, so I'm REALLY looking forward to booking some flights and enjoying some quality time together as a family of four before new baby arrives.

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