Tuesday, March 27, 2018

39 Weeks

Week 39

How far along:
39 weeks! We are officially into uncharted territory! 

Best moments so far:
At this morning's appointment, G for once didn't have a complete conniption while I was getting all checked over. Baby's heart rate was steady at 135bpm, and I am dilated somewhere in the 2-3cm range. My doc stripped membranes (a very unpleasant...yet quick ordeal), and stretched my cervix to hopefully get things moving along. Typically, if this is going to work, I should see some sort of action within 24-48 hours, so we'll see. If not, in light of the fact that I am 39 weeks, and there is no real medical benefit to keeping baby inside any longer, plus my history of precipitous deliveries, I did get scheduled to be induced this coming Friday morning if we haven't had the pleasure of meeting our newest little peanut by then. The end is near! If we do make it to Friday, this babe will be a birthday twin with my sister-in-law, and born on Good Friday, so that would be pretty fun too! In other news, my doc is thinking this is going to be a bigger baby than C or G was (which would make sense as I am further along at this point than I was with either of them when they were born), but when I told her my newest niece was over 9 lbs, she said she's pretty sure we aren't looking at that big of a baby. Whew! Sigh of relief!

Maternity clothes:
Yes. This top from Gap Maternity continues to be one of my favorite, and most-worn winter pieces.

Not terrible. It gets harder and harder to roll over without 'helping' my watermelon along. Ha. Still getting up just once a night to use the restroom, but other than that, sleep hasn't been too bad.

Miss Anything:
Energy and being comfortable. Being 39 weeks pregnant is no joke. Particularly when you have busy active little boys in your life that drain any sort of energy you might have left over just as quickly as they can. At this point, I'm pretty much only comfortable when I am sitting down with my feet up. T can probably kiss goodbye any high hopes he has for any gourmet meals from here on out. Cold cereal and frozen pizza or sandwiches is about all I have any interest in preparing. I'm sincerely looking forward to warm enough weather to sit outside on the deck again and have cold-meat...read salami...sandwiches and easy grilled meals. Summer can't come soon enough!

Baby Movement:
Yes. Baby is still active, although has slowed down quite a bit as space continues to grow tight. It's amazing that this little one is still packing on 1/2 lb a week! My personal weight didn't hardly change at all between last weeks appointment and this morning (I've gained somewhere in the range of 25-30lbs, which is pretty much spot on with my weight gain with C & G at the end of my previous pregnancies). I'd like to think that this babe is taking the extra calories I've had from my M&Ms and popcorn or ice cream late night snacks this week!

Cravings and Aversions:
Peppermint & chocolate. Last week, I made a mint cake for St. Paddy's Day, and just last night, T & I shared mint chocolate ice cream with a peppermint chocolate cookie...Yum...yum...yum. 

Queasy or sick:

I've been super tired this week, and have needed a mid-afternoon nap pretty much every day. Thankfully, both boys have been good about taking naps this week, and I've been able to sneak in an hour or two most days. 

Looking forward to:
Meeting this little person! It's pretty exciting knowing that sometime in the next several days we will be welcoming our newest little bundle of joy! It's finally starting to show some signs of warming up around here, and it would be great to be able to get outside more regularly and not be so uncomfortable. It's near impossible at this point for me to chase our little people around or make them cooperate when it is time to come inside (or to do anything for that matter), so being able to move around more easily is definitely high up on my list of things I'm looking forward to!

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