Tuesday, March 20, 2018

38 Weeks

Week 38

How far along:
38 weeks! Any day now! Also - I made mint cake over the weekend, so the fact that baby is the size of a cake is quite fitting! 

Best moments so far:
At my checkup this morning, we got to hear baby's heartbeat...strong and steady at 140bpm. I didn't have much change from last week's checkup, and am dilated 2cm internally, 3cm externally, and still just 75% thinned. I reminded my Doc that I was guessing baby would arrive around the 22nd, and she reminded me that she will be gone most of that day, so would prefer Saturday to get her out of working the Urgent Care Clinic...LOL. Who knows...T suggested last night that maybe we'll make it to April 1st and have an April Fool's Day baby. Seeing as how the birthstone for April is a diamond, this may backfire on him if I ever decide to invest in some birthstone jewelry for my little loves! :)

Maternity clothes:
Pretty much unavoidable at this point! Above striped top is Old Navy, jeans are Motherhood Maternity, and fur vest is non-maternity. Did I mention the weather is terrible today - icy/slushy/snowy mix since we woke up this morning. Ugh. Seems that every time I have an appointment, we get some kind of wintery mix I have to drive in!

Not too bad. I do quite a bit of turning throughout the night though as my legs or arms loose feeling.

Miss Anything:
Consistently warm weather! We had a few nice days last week that we could get out for some short walks around the block, but the week ahead is looking like quite a bit of precipitation in the forecast, so chances are we will be spending most of the week inside. Seems like a good week to have a new baby if you ask me!

Baby Movement:
Yes. Baby is still quite active, usually most noticeable during mid-afternoon and then before bed. I have not noticed as much action when I actually lay down at night, or in the early mornings, so maybe this babe is taking note of good times to be asleep or awake! Hahahaha.....we can dream right!?

Cravings and Aversions:
I bought ingredients to make lasagna this week sometime, so I guess you might say Italian food. When G was born, I had to cut out all tomato based sauces as they caused him quite a bit of discomfort with nursing, so I'm hoping to get at least one last meal with red sauce in before baby arrives in case we have the same issue this go around.

Queasy or sick:

Nothing too crazy. Just a general slow-down of getting around, and some fatigue. I haven't had any sort of consistent contractions this week, but hope to have some more in the coming week! With G, at this point in my pregnancy, I was experiencing some regular round ligament pain, but so far, I have not had any this time around. T says that maybe my ligaments are just so stretched out that I won't have any. I'm sure that will make getting into any sort of shape after baby pretty difficult!

Looking forward to:
Meeting this new little one! I would greatly appreciate not having a nine pound baby as I will likely be without an epidural, so the sooner the better! The boys got to meet their newest baby GIRL cousin over the weekend (sadly, I did not as it was too far for me to travel by myself this late in my pregnancy, and T was on call), and have now decided that maybe they would like a sister instead of a brother. While T & I know baby's gender, we have not shared with anyone if we'll be welcoming a boy or girl, so I'm looking forward to seeing the boys' reactions when they finally get to meet their new sibling sometime in the next couple of weeks!

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting! Let me know if you have any suggestions of recipes I should try, fun ideas to do with the kiddo, or a suggested adventure to add to our bucket list!