Thursday, December 15, 2016

Graham: Five Month Update

As we head into the holidays, we also ring in month five of enjoying little G. The lake froze over this month, and I found myself feeling as though it was the end of a beautiful season of our lives. We brought G home in the heat of the summer and spent so many wonderful days at the lake making memories both before and after G arrived. Now that it is covered in ice, I caught myself reflecting on days gone by, and how much our lives have changed since our little peanut joined us.

With Christmas just around the corner, we are in full swing of Christmas pajamas...many days just wearing them all day long. Hey...If I had as cute of jimmies as this guy does, I'd probably do the same!

Age: 5 months
Diaper size: 2
Clothing: 6-9 months

Month five has been a big month for our little G on the developmental front. Early this month, he discovered his hands and thumb, and there has been no turning back. It is a rare moment to find him without his whole fist in his mouth! G has gotten very good at grasping toys and maneuvering them into his mouth to chew on. We are going to need to invest in some bibs as he is constantly just a slobbery mess! His last week of being four months old, G figured out how to spin on his tummy, AND rolled back to front. The last couple of nights have been interesting as I've laid him down for bed, and when I go back to check on him, he is just chillin on his tummy looking around. He'll be on the move before we know it!

I'm happy to report that the first three weeks of this month, G did a great job napping during the day. He would take a morning nap around 10-10:30 a.m. for an hour or so, and then again around 2 p.m. Unfortunately, in the last week, he has been denying me naps unless he falls asleep in the car while we are out and about, or he falls asleep while nursing and I am holding him. In the meantime, any sort of chores I was hoping to get done around the house fall waaaaaay behind, and when I finally get a chance to catch up, it takes about three hours. Ugh. Lack of napping aside, G continues to be a rockstar sleeper, and is usually ready for bed sometime between 7:30-8:30 p.m. after his last nursing session of the night. When he is done nursing, I usually snuggle with him for 15min or so on the couch (not because he needs it, but because I do), and then lay him down in the Pack'N'Play in our room, zip him up in his sleep sack, and he sleeps through the night until 7:30-8 a.m. the next morning.

So, a recap:
7:30-8 a.m. // Wake up! I try to nurse G while C is still sleeping, or just starting to stir in the morning so that I have a chance to have a cup of coffee and a minute partially to myself before C consumes the rest of the morning. When G is don nursing, C gets up and we share breakfast together. Next up, we are either off on an adventure, or we play with toys at home. 
10-10:30 a.m. // G nurses again and then I 'try' to get him to nap. Sometimes this irks, other times he has no interest.
12-12:30 p.m. // C gets lunch, then nap time. G usually nurses, then plays during this time, or is an audience to my shower (more likely). 
2:30-3 p.m. // G nurses again around this time, and will occasionally take a nap while big brother C is napping. C is usually up by 3 p.m., and he helps me do laundry, clean, etc. Occassionally we make a grocery run if it's not too cold, have a snack, play with toys, and make dinner.
6:30 p.m. // While I'd love to report we sit down as a family to eat at 5:30-6 p.m., that is highly unlikely, and we usually end up eating around 6:30 p.m. right before the boys bedtime. T a lot of times doesn't get home until 6 p.m. or later, and with G needing to nurse again, and C usually pushing my last button of the day around this time, evenings can get pretty hectic around here! By 7 p.m., we have usually wrapped up dinner, C is on his way to get a bath/pjs/teeth brushed & storytime before bed.
7:30-8:30 p.m. // G typically nurses one last time after C goes to bed, and then it's off to bed for the remainder of the night. Depending on if he naps or not, he occassionally goes to bed before C, closer to 7:30 p.m.. It doesn't seem to matter when he goes to bed, like clockwork, he is almost always up by 7:45 a.m. the next morning!

G continues to love the Manhattan Toy Winkel, his playmat, and the jumparoo. I've also introduced him to Sophie the Giraffe this month, and he has enjoyed chewing on her legs and hearing her squeak.

G enjoys storytime with big brother C throughout the day, but usually gets the shaft a bit since we are usually reading while he is nursing, or just before nap & bedtime which is C's special alone time with mom. When I do get a chance to read to G on his own, he loves to listen and feel the pages. This month, a particular favorite has been Amazing Baby Feel & Learn Soft Book. The pages crinkle, have different textures, and even have little teething toys and corners.

G continues to be on a strictly milk based diet, but he has been showing some serious interest in table food this month. He likes to follow each bite I take from plate to mouth just hoping beyond hope that he might get a little taste. We have let him lick a piece of pepperoni from pizza a couple of times, and he thinks he's hot stuff! I'll probably wait until six months to introduce any solid foods, mainly because there is no real reason to do so earlier based on current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and I'm really just not all that interested in making three separate meals every time we sit down to eat since C is a bit of a picky eater of late, and I usually have to make him something as a fallback dinner option after he refuses to eat more than a few bites of hat ever I've made for T & I. Ugh...I'm exhausted just thinking about it!


Being tickled
Being talked to
Standing with support
Walking with support
Playing with big brother C
Tummy time
Being held constantly and/or walking around
Watching us eat - I think this kid would eat straight table food if I let him.
Scratching his face


Being laid down when he is tired or hungry (aside from bedtime)
Being in the car seat
(We've been traveling quite a bit lately, and G is getting tired of being confined in his carseat. He would much rather be laying on the floor kicking around...evidenced by the giant smiles he has and his overall level of excitement when he finally gets to do just that.)


G got to celebrate his very first BIG holiday this month on Thanksgiving. He didn't get to partake in any of the delicious food, but he had a great time watching everyone else eat, and loved all of the extra attention from aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

We were still in full swing of college football season this month, and G got in on the action with a football helmet that big brother C found while on a trip to Grandpa and Grandma's house. While watching the game with dad, he clearly thought it was not going well! Joking aside, G does enjoy laying on the floor and craning his neck around so that he can watch the game, and he's perfectly content to be held on Dad's lap while catching whatever game is being played. Man's best friend = snuggly baby content to sit all day and watch the game!

Grandpa & Grandma N with all of the grandkids on my side of the family. Best buddies for life!

I had to include this one, because this picture more accurately sums up how getting a family picture goes. G is crying, C is running away, and I'm the only one paying attention to the camera. #reallife

In early December, we enjoyed the first of several Christmas celebrations we have coming up over the next few weeks. G loved meeting several of my cousins, aunts, and uncles, and just overall having so many people to be passed around to who wanted to play with him. Attention sought...attention received! Can we just have a holiday celebration every weekend please?

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