Scarlett: Seven Months

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Seven months old, and full of adventures. From Okoboji to Iowa City to Scottsdale, little miss was quite the seasoned little traveler this month, a trend that will be continued this coming month as we attempt our first family vacation as a family of five!

Age: 7 months
Diaper size: 3
Clothing: 6-9 months, 9 months (big)

S's schedule has remained unchanged this month for the most part. She consistently is ready for bed between 7-7:30pm, and sleeps until between 7-7:30am. Just our little angel!

S continues to love the Jumparoo this month, but has also started to love her walker. She is really getting the hang of it, and enjoys having the freedom to roam around as she pleases. She also loves any sort of teether she can get her hands on. 

S enjoys story time about as much as any seven month old does. She mostly just listens in to whatever story her brothers are reading, so her main intake of knowledge trends towards trucks, farming, and construction equipment. I do enjoy reading 'You're All My Favorites' as a bedtime story, and am glad such a book exists for us parents of multiple littles. Instills the idea that each and every kiddo is just as loved and important as their siblings.

Solid food! S immediately fell in love with pureed baby food, and has been working her way through all sorts of yummy fruits, veggies, and blends. She tends to like veggies more than fruits so far, and has loved everything except straight apples. Weird! Maybe too tangy for her on their own so far I suppose. She started out with just one package of food per day, and she has moved up to two per day currently. I sometimes think she would just keep going with the solid food and give up milk for how quickly she devours it! In terms of milk, I'm down to nursing just twice a day - once in the morning, and once in the evening. At bedtime, she nurses and then has a bottle in addition, so I don't know how much she actually gets, but I like the quiet wind-down special time for just her and I, so haven't brought myself to give it up just yet.

Bathtime and splashing
Solid food

SEVEN MONTH LEAST FAVORITES fun, but mama sure enjoyed having the baby thighs out to smooch!

S was baptized at the beginning of this month on Sept 30, 2018. She was absolutely stunning (as only a 6 month old can be) in her white lacy dress, and was the perfect little angel for the day. She got her first jewelry from both of her grandmas (two sweet little bracelets with crosses, pearls, and crystals), and she enjoyed being the center of the celebration.

S got to go on her very first trip to Iowa City this month, and had a super fun time at the University of Iowa homecoming parade and first Hawkeye football game at Kinnick Stadium. She slept for most of the game all snuggled up on my chest in our Ergo baby carrier, and loved all of the extra attention from family.

First big trip! S got to tag along with T & I on a weekend trip to Scottsdale, AZ at the very end of month six (she officially turned seven months while on our trip!). She slept most of her first plane ride since it was waaaaaaay past bedtime before our delayed flight took off....around 11:30pm, so I guess you could say she took her first red-eye! Ha. She loved the warm weather and sunshine, and particularly had a blast splashing around in the pool with Dad. We certainly have a little water baby on our hands!

C played soccer at the YMCA this fall, and S was the best little cheerleader for her big brother! Even looking cute when she fell asleep.

And a few miscellaneous others, because you just can't stop this cuteness! :)

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